Thursday, July 19, 2012

this is bananas.......

After a week of rice cereal, Miss. S was so completely bored. This totally threw off my plan of slowly introducing rice cereal over the course of a month! I should have know better! Nothing keeps this girl occupied for a month, including her toys which she is clearly over! (Kyler and I had to dig out some new toys stuffed away in her closet AND some indestructible stainless steel bowls from the kitchen) So the past few days she has thrown a fit during dinner (rice cereal) time! Its like we cant shovel the food in her mouth fast enough [eats just like her daddy :)] so we keep a bottle on had to let her have "drinks" between bites! LOL! Let me remind you this is all new to us seeing how this is our first baby doll to raise! Sooooo, yesterday I decided not to wait till dinner time to do the rice and maybe she wouldn't be so hungry we'd have to shovel it in her mouth! The exact opposite, she wouldn't even open her mouth! Getting fed up, and desperate, I decided [with encouragement] to mash up a little bit of banana in her cereal! After prying her mouth open to get a tiny taste in she looked at me with this " you sneaky momma you, what was that" face! But then became unamused! Fortunately Kyler was home for lunch and, being the challenge seeker he is, wanted a shot at this battle! With a toy in one hand and a spoon full of banana/cereal/milk in the other, he swooped in and landed a spoon full of food in her mouth! Of course he, in a matter of minutes, got her to finish the entire bowl and if the spoon was edible she would have eaten that too! Which brings me to the conclusion that they must have this common food bond and therefore daddy just earned him another duty ;) For those of you who don't know, Kyler is the quickest diaper changer EVER and so this too is another one of his "duties" when he is at home! So, my baby is officially onto to real food and real yucky diapers! Yet another milestone I was not looking forward too! Here are some pictures of my little "S" enjoying some bananas!

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