Monday, February 1, 2016

Ketron, Party of five!

What? Party of 5. Gosh that sounds like a lot. Well I guess it is considering last time I posted we were just a wee little party of 3! So we added another girl because we needed someone to wear all the hand-me-down tutus we accumulated with the birth of our first girl. Then we thought we'd switch it up so we threw a boy in the mix. So that's that. 2 girls and a boy and I'm about 99% sure we're done! We moved to Tulsa and live in a cozy little cottage, not really but it sounded fun! We live in a house that we are too quickly growing out of. The 2 girls share a room which leaves little space for toys. Needless to say, Max has a play kitchen and a basket of baby dolls in his room! I can't believe we are already one month into 2016 and I am JUST now getting around to one of my New Years resolutions. Blogging. I have always enjoyed writing and have so many funny stories to tell so I think you will enjoy following along. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!! Look for more posts coming soon!! The photo below is old but thought you'd like to see some cute faces!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

its been a while........

The last time I tried to post I had a long blog carefully and thoughtfully written out and then out of no where, 1 little accidental touch of some random button and poof, everything is wiped out! Needless to say I was not very happy! I went on a mini strike and soon realized that the person I was hurting the most during this strike was me! My computer could care less if I type and my blog could care less if I posted blogs! LOL! Soooooo, I back! Hopefully! So much has been going on in my life over the past several weeks it gets a little hard for me to "Keep up with the Ketrons!" Last week was the 1st week out of 5 weekends that we actually got to stay home and relax. Well, sort of relax! Scarlett has been a good traveler! The 3 hour car rides are getting a little easier and we've almost mastered the 1 hour trip to Tulsa! Well 1 1/2 hour! We have been stopping at the McDonald's half way to let Miss. S stretch and have an opportunity to get a new diaper! This little pit stop seems to be helping with her complete dis-like to ride in her car seat! I hate when I hear people like, "Oh, such-n-such just falls to sleep EVERY time he/she is in the car! They just cant help it." I want to just slap those people (in my mind of course)! For some reason, no matter how long the car ride may be, S seems to want to fall to sleep the last 20 minuets of the trip! This is NO JOKE! 3 hours or 1 1/2 hours, it doesn't matter! She knows when were 20 minutes from home! Anyways I feel like I have so much to catch up on but I'm going to try to work them into small doses! Hope everyone has a great day! It feels good to be back!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

(crazy) sleeping beauty.....

I never thought that one little 13lb (that's a guesstimate) girl could do so much damage in her crib. Most of which is done while she sleeps! A few weeks ago Scarlett woke up from a nap crying. It was a little before she should have been awake so I let her try to comfort herself back to sleep. After a minute or two she was screaming and I was not okay with that so I went in to check on her! I immediately started feeling like the worst mother ever as I enter her room only to discover her little leg was stuck through the slats of the crib between the crib and the wall! How on earth this happened, I wasn't sure! What I was sure of was that I was going to pick my baby up and hug her and rub her little red leg and make everything all better! After some consideration I decided we would still not put a bumper in her bed thinking this was maybe just a one time thing! Boy was I wrong! In the past 2 days she has gotten limbs stuck out twice! TWICE! Will she learn? Probably not! I did however figure out how this was happening. She uses the slats in her bed like a ladder to push herself around. Well she will get a leg through the slat and try to turn her body. Therefore, wedging her leg. I know, crazy! To top this off she has officially been temporarily (I hope) denied her rights to a blanket in her crib! Ever since she was weeks old, she loves covering up her face when she sleeps! Well....lets just say she has taken this to a whole new level! Yesterday, twice, I heard her moving and grunting around in her crib so I go to check on her. What do I find? My daughter with her blanket wrapped around her head. I mean there was no possibility of her getting out of this mess on her own! Seriously? What does this little girl do in her sleep? After hearing her at 1:30am and discovering her blanket wrapped head again I decide this is it! NO MORE BLANKET!! Oh and not to mention her "disappearing pacy" trick! Tonight when we went to put her down, no pacies were to be found! Where were they, you might ask? Under her bed! Yup! 5 pacies dropped down the side of her crib and under her bed! This girl is seriously a mess! How does she get ANY sleep?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

damn bed rest.....

This post may contain TMI. Continue reading at your own risk!
For those of you that don't know my pregnancy story; I was put on bed rest at 31 weeks, and that's where it all started! December 13, 2011 is a day I will never forget! I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with this urge to pee, in fact I actually thought I was peeing! After getting up and making my way to the bathroom I realized I had some weird, wet substance all over me! Upon turning the light on I realize this "wet substance" was, in fact, blood! It was everywhere. (I remind you I am at 31 weeks in my pregnancy) I was freaked the freak out! Very calmly I woke Kyler up and told him we needed to go to the hospital! The ride to the hospital took exactly 11 minutes but it seemed like hours. I had not felt the baby move since the night before and I was way to afraid to jiggle my belly to attempt to get the baby to move. ( I refer to Scarlett as "the baby" because we did not find out what gender we were having) Upon entering the emergency room they quickly put me in a wheelchair and moved me up to triage on the Labor and Delivery floor. Once they got me into a private room they hooked up a baby heart monitor to my belly! This whole time Kyler and I are reassuring each other that whatever is going on with me and/or the baby, we are going to be okay and we are going to make it through this! As soon as the nurse put the monitor on my belly we heard the most amazing sound. It was our little baby's heart beating so strong! I immediately started to break down and the sprinklers came on. This was the first time I had cried through out this ordeal and it felt great! At that point I knew I could handle anything....well, almost anything! After a long 72 hours I was released from the hospital under conditions! Along with weekly doctors check ups, I was put on bed rest! Uggggggg. Bed rest?? The doctor was okay with me moving around the house but no shopping, cleaning, laundry and FOR SURE no working out! I couldn't pick anything up and I couldn't work or be around crowds! Let me remind you that this was right before Christmas. [I was so thankful I was 90% done with my Christmas shopping!] So needless to say, I became a lazy ass. Well at least I'm telling it like it is! I became a t.v. junkie and could fill anyone in on any reality show or major news that was going on! At my weekly doctors check ups the scale took a turn for the worse :( Of course I'm not going to tell you how much weight I gained but lets just say this, I could have survived a while in the wilderness with no food! I had some extra food stored away! Looking back at pictures of myself the last few weeks of my pregnancy, I don't even look like me! And the picture that I have of Kyler, Scarlett and myself the same day I delivered! Whew! I can just hear Scarlett now, "Mommy, who is that lady next to daddy that is holding me?" Needless to say I avoided the camera for the next few weeks! I was surprised at how quickly I lost half of the weight. The other half, well lets just say its not ready to move out on its own yet! So I took matters into my own hands and decided that I needed to do something to speed up this process! Hence the gym membership! Today I completed my 3rd day to exercise in the past 4 days! That's right! AND i have lost 2lbs! lol Ok so I know its not just going to fall off like that until I'm back to my starting weight of 115 (in high school)! But seriously I feel like a whole new woman with this increased energy and I actually forgot how good it felt to sweat so much! Having taken a 7 month break from the gym and any kind of exercise I am feeling pretty darn good to get back at it! Now my goal is to stay at it! Ive decided to do my own "12 week challenge" since the one the gym offers costs way too much ($1,200)! October 14th will be twelve weeks so we'll see what happens! Oh and can I tell you, Scarlett LOVES the kids care center! She has been there twice now for 45 minutes and hasn't had a fit yet! The girls that work in there really seem to like her too, which helps calm my nerves quite a bit! All in all I would say its been a long time coming and I'm happy at how everything is unfolding!

Monday, July 23, 2012

in my new shorts.....

What a fun weekend! First of all, let me tell you how much I love weekends! Two full days of spending time with two of my most favorite people, two mornings of getting to sleep in until 7 or 7:30 (Kyler gets up when Miss. S does to feed her), two mornings of coffee and conversation with another person who speaks the same language as I do and who may not agree with me but actually understands what I'm saying! Two full days of diaper changing assistance! I could go on and on. So....since joining the gym I had yet to go. After explaining to Kyler that I didn't have anything to wear (for some reason I put up all my athletic clothes and cant find them) he quickly decided that we were going to get me some new athletic shorts! OKAY, I quickly accepted this invitation to go shopping! This is his attempt to take away all excuses! We decided to go to T.J. Maxx. I always find great deals there but I always forget to go! So after looking through the clearance section (usually the first place I go in any store) Kyler explains to me that he has found some options! Surprised by how quickly he filled the cart, I was a little nervous as we made our way to the "fitting" room! Ten was the number of items you can take in to the room with you, which I thought was rather high but very pleased that I wouldn't have to do the "okay this won't work, now Ill take this one" game! Ten was exactly how many things I had to try on! THREE of which I had picked out! Upon entering the fitting room, I immediately heard the attendant strike a conversation with Kyler over one of his most favorite topics, Scarlett! Good, I thought to myself knowing that he was now too preoccupied to realize how long it was taking me to decide which shorts to attempt to try on first! I just decided to hold my breath and dive in! The first pair I picked out and didn't realize there were spandex riding shorts attached  to the inside! Quickly realizing these were not what I thought they were, I slipped tugged them off and went on to pair two. The next three were Kyler's pick and they were all three basically the same thing! Tight, short, stretchy yoga type shorts! Okay, I get where he is going with this. He is clearly going for (what could be hot on a skinny girl but not not this momma) looks, NOT comfort! However I appreciate his help, I quickly realize that I'm going to need to handle this quest on my on! Back to the racks for me! All in all I would say it was successful, 3 pairs of shorts for me and a new shirt for Kyler! That afternoon I made my trek to the gym in my new shorts. 45 minutes after entering the gym I was sweaty and ready to leave! Here's to new fitness goals! Sunday was a rather sore day for my legs so I decided to clean house all day and help Kyler clean out the garage! This was my attempt to convince myself that this was, in fact, exercise and I didn't need to go to the gym! So today is Monday and my goal is to make it to the gym today! Wish me luck! For now, I'm going to watch last nights episode of "KUWTK" and "RHONJ," have a fabulous day people!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

i'll hug her a little tighter.......

Friday morning when I woke up my life was totally put into perspective. And to think that my biggest concern was what show to watch and what show to DVR on Sunday [since I have 4 shows on at the same time]! All morning I, along with the rest of the country, was wondering what type of person could do something this horrific. GMA, HLN, CNN, you name it, they were covering it! I have mixed feelings of the media, by the way. On one hand I totally understand wanting to get information to the public "as it comes in," but on the other hand I would much rather accurate information a few minutes after it comes in! Also, "speculation" is another thing I don't consider very good reporting! (OK that's it for my rant) My heart sunk deeper and deeper as I sat helpless in front of the TV listening to these victims recap their tragic experience. It was heart wrenching! Just as I was starting to get lost in the sadness I heard the most magical sound (sounds corny I know). My little girl giggling at herself in her crib was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment! It made me thankful. Thankful that my baby was awake and that I had a good excuse to walk away from the t.v. I couldn't stand it any longer! I am having a hard time writing this post because I really don't like talking about sad things so I'm going to leave you with this: Don't take any day for granted and hug the ones you love just a little tighter!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

this is bananas.......

After a week of rice cereal, Miss. S was so completely bored. This totally threw off my plan of slowly introducing rice cereal over the course of a month! I should have know better! Nothing keeps this girl occupied for a month, including her toys which she is clearly over! (Kyler and I had to dig out some new toys stuffed away in her closet AND some indestructible stainless steel bowls from the kitchen) So the past few days she has thrown a fit during dinner (rice cereal) time! Its like we cant shovel the food in her mouth fast enough [eats just like her daddy :)] so we keep a bottle on had to let her have "drinks" between bites! LOL! Let me remind you this is all new to us seeing how this is our first baby doll to raise! Sooooo, yesterday I decided not to wait till dinner time to do the rice and maybe she wouldn't be so hungry we'd have to shovel it in her mouth! The exact opposite, she wouldn't even open her mouth! Getting fed up, and desperate, I decided [with encouragement] to mash up a little bit of banana in her cereal! After prying her mouth open to get a tiny taste in she looked at me with this " you sneaky momma you, what was that" face! But then became unamused! Fortunately Kyler was home for lunch and, being the challenge seeker he is, wanted a shot at this battle! With a toy in one hand and a spoon full of banana/cereal/milk in the other, he swooped in and landed a spoon full of food in her mouth! Of course he, in a matter of minutes, got her to finish the entire bowl and if the spoon was edible she would have eaten that too! Which brings me to the conclusion that they must have this common food bond and therefore daddy just earned him another duty ;) For those of you who don't know, Kyler is the quickest diaper changer EVER and so this too is another one of his "duties" when he is at home! So, my baby is officially onto to real food and real yucky diapers! Yet another milestone I was not looking forward too! Here are some pictures of my little "S" enjoying some bananas!